Monday, August 23, 2010

...Hope doesn't disappoint

Wow! I can't believe it has been this long since I have posted! The past few months have been filled with many challenges and blessings. I can sum it up by saying that when you hope in the right things, they will never disappoint!

Some months ago I received a photo that warmed my heart. In the image below you will see power sharing President Morgan Tsvangirai smiling with some officials from the Seventh Day Adventist Church and among them is my future father in law (Baba M)! After years of struggle, pain and even death, it has become safer to make your allegance known.

As we continue to hope for a better day, remember that our actions can bring better days even closer!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Mudiwa: Haiti

Mudiwa: Haiti - 'hope in a sea of tears'

- medium black clutch with assymetrical ruffle ('tears') detail dotted with colorful gems('hope').

Mudiwa Designs is a company with a fashionable cause; normally proceeds from these one of a kind purses go towards projects in Zimbabwe. However, the call of Haiti is too loud to ignore. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this purse will be donated to ADRA to assist in the Haiti relief efforts. Bid on ebay today!

More about:

Mudiwa Designs


Thursday, January 28, 2010

(Happy) New Year!

Mudiwa: mirror

It's 2010. It's still January. It seems as though the year has already been full of heartache and distress. Haiti happened this month. The heartache continues. You have heard many people urge us to give and we must follow through to help. Perhaps what is more useful than giving a one time gift is finding a way to make a sustainable difference. Will you remember that people are suffering in March? In August?

The bad news is that it's only been a month and this month has hurt; the good news is that we have eleven more months to hope, to pray and to act for a change. No matter what February brings, no matter what the rest of the year brings, when you look into the mirror come January 2011 - will you be thankful?

Stay tuned for a new purse: Mudiwa Haiti a highest bidder purse with 100% of the proceeds going to make a difference in Haiti.

Mudiwa: make a difference

Friday, December 11, 2009


I have been thinking about this post for months. I have been adding to it's content since the thought was frist conceived. I am thankful.

I am thankful that I could have a meal with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day without considering if the green beans were cooked with pork. My jackets still fit me and keep me warm. My grandparents are just a phone call away. I am loved and cared for in new ways every day. My car started this morning in 12 degree weather without a delay. I can walk into the grocery store and know the supply will be sure and that the prices don't change by the second. When I pump gas, the price doesn't increase by the time I am finished.

I am thankful that when I make a purse, there is someone out there you likes it - who loves it. I am thankful that you are reading this because you share in my cause. I am thankful for friends and family who made my Fall 2009 collection debut a success.

Mudiwa Designs donates 50% of proceeds from sales towards projects in Zimbabwe. Shop Mudiwa today and save a life!

Stay tuned for: Mudiwa Bridal

Friday, September 25, 2009

Keeping up appearances...

I read it but I couldn't believe it. I know change will come to Zimbabwe - I know change must come to Zimbabwe - but when stale minds seek to hide the obvious and keep up appearances, how can a country really move forward?

There are no gun shots to be heard, no brutal screams. There is no unrest of that nature that exists in the country. Instead there is silence. There is silence as the world ignores Zimbabwe. There is silence as another person dies of hunger or cholera.

This is the end of suffering, of pain and of hunger. The end starts with Mudiwa Designs...

The Fall Collection for freedom debut - Saturday, Oct 3, 2009

Mudiwa Designs - save a life

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mudiwa: Secrets - Have a shot

After being absent for a very busy month - I continue my Secrets posts with some valuable information! My line and the image it carries would be nothing without a gripping photographer.

Who is the photographer for your tropical images?

The wonderfully talented Bernard Morris of Take a Shot Photography. Berns lives in Barbados and is available for weddings, private sessions and commercial shoots. The Mudiwa tropical shoot was done on Drill Hall and Hilton beaches, Barbados in December 2008. It was a hot afternoon, I changed outfits in the car - but the result was amazing!

You can view the Take a Shot portfolio here.

Contact Bernard for bookings: and become a fan on Facebook!

Have a shot! Make your booking today!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mudiwa: the name

Why the name "Mudiwa"?

"It means friend" - or at least that's what Tendai tried to convince me it meant. Now almost four years into our relationship his actions embody the name he gave to be. Mudiwa is term in the Shona language of Zimbabwe that means 'beloved'. My line is a fusion of what inspires me and is based on my upbringing in Barbados (aka Bim) infused with my interpretation Zimbabwean style embodied by friends and loved ones. Hence - 'when Zim met Bim'.